public workshop
Learn how to easily develop your negative color film using the C-41 process. Professionally, but also comfortably at home. The workshop can be adapted to the participant's home conditions so they can easily repeat the process at home. Along with developing, you will also learn how to properly scan the film, and you will take everything home the same day.
What you will learn:
What equipment is needed for C-41 development
How to easily use developing tanks
How to choose the right chemicals
How to work with higher bath temperatures
How to dilute and efficiently store chemicals
How to develop films evenly
How to avoid spots and dust on films
How to scan film with high quality on a home scanner
All chemicals are included in the price.
Just bring your own exposed 35mm or medium format film.
The workshop can be scheduled for weekends as well.
Participants are offered free parking directly in front of the lab.
Duration: 4 hours
Price: 1950 CZK per person
Capacity: 2 people